
How to visualize a branch of the project on a local server

First, you have to make sure to have bun installed on your computer.

How to visualize a branch of the project on a local server

First, you have to make sure to have bun installed on your computer.

For Windows user, it is preferable to install wsl too.

You also want to make sure you have nvm and you are using node version 18 or later.

And for our pp-front project, you will need a correct .env file, which looks like this :


Once those requirements are complete, you can now visualize your project by following this procedure :

1. Clone the project in one of your repository
git clone project-URL/SSH

2. Go to the project you have just cloned
cd name-of-the-project

3. Go to the specific branch you want to visualize
git switch branch-name

4. Make sure your repository is up to date
git pull

5. Install/reinstall bun to have all the needed dependencies
bun install

6. If everything went well until there, you can start the local server to visualize the project
bun run dev

7. The last step is to open a browser and type the URL : http://localhost:3000